Why are English, Math and Science Vital Curriculums in Singapore?

Why are English, Math and Science Vital Curriculums in Singapore?


In a country with roughly 5.5 million population, the quality of education isn’t taken for granted.

For academic success, Singapore values three basic subjects: English, Maths and Science. They believe these essential classes will teach cohesive skills. As well as knowledge in young minds, these are skills children can also arm themselves with to face the world as they grow older.

Singapore Outranks Other Asian Countries in Mathematics

The Singaporean math was first created in the 1980s by a team of city-state teachers. They formulated the curriculum through behavioral science research. They also adapted visual math strategies in learning.

Decades later, Forbes hailed Singapore as the leading country in average IQ intelligence. A whopping 107.1% to be exact. The reason is the advanced curriculum in all grade levels, most especially primary and secondary education.

The math curriculum enables Singaporeans deep mastery of the subject by focusing on fewer topics such as arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, and physics yet covering them in greater detail. Each student must master their current math subject before moving to the next grade.

Other countries adapting Singaporean math found it difficult to integrate in their curriculum. Most foreign students even hailed it as the hardest math curriculum they’ve faced.

Singapore’s success in mathematics equates to their discipline and determination. Singaporean learning institutions play a big factor. Their policies have shaped the minds of children to be critical thinkers.

That is why even foreign parents prefer Singaporean math centers. They’re getting the most out their child’s primary and secondary math tuition

For quality education, Frankel Tutors is here to hone the academic skills of your child to help them reach greater heights. Visit our website frankeltutors.com to learn more about our program offerings and tutoring services.

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