5 Ways to Make Holiday Break Productive

5 Ways to Make Holiday Break Productive

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. 

Students have been looking forward to the holiday break all year-round. Now that it’s here, how can you maximize the vacation time by balancing work and play?

Here are 5 sneaky ways to make your child’s holiday break educational:

  • Do Family Game Nights

A fun way to keep the brain juices pumping is by having game nights! This can be puzzles, pictionary, charades, trivia, and more. The possibilities are limitless.

It’s hitting two birds with one stone: educating your kids while bonding with them. 


  • Maintain a Regular Schedule

It’s easy for students to lose their groove because of the lack of regular scheduling during vacation. 

They tend to oversleep or gain a lot of screen time. These are unhealthy habits for children to develop. Keep them in line with a regular sleep schedule and designated computer hours. This will help them be more in tune with themselves once classes begin.


  • Encourage Volunteer Work

Let your children do something meaningful for the holidays. After all, it’s a season of giving. 

For older students, volunteer work is a must. This helps develop their character to become future-ready and fulfills their duty to the community: at the same time!


  • Take Them on a Literary Journey

The best way to spend the lone hours of Holiday break is by reading up books. Introduce them to the Classics and renowned works of literature.

You can even create reading lists for them and ask them to create their own book reviews. This can help them .


  • Learn New Skills

Your child can bring out the inner artist or musician in them this season. 

Invest in good tutors that can help hone their creative side or tutors which specialize in subjects your child wants to excel in. This will give them a headstart in lessons before classes begin.

It’s a merry season of warmth and giving, so give your child the gift of knowledge. These newfound skills and learning experiences will help them become future-ready, even with holiday downtime.


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