Registration & AOneSchools App

Register for our classes online now!

Frankel Tutors now uses AOne Schools to ensure a better service to all our parents and students. Now you can check your classes (regular or rescheduled), check your payments, pay the tuition fees and more, all on your phone!

Instruction for AOneSchools App 

  1. After registration, download AOneSchools on your phone via Google Play Store or iOS App Store.
  2. Log in with your email address registered with Frankel Tutors or 65-YourMobileNumber. For students who have both parents/ guardians registered with us, please log in using the second guardian’s email/ mobile number. You will need to set your own password, following the guidelines on the app.
  3. Should you have any questions, please WhatsApp us at 9487 0332 or email us at

Features of AOneSchools App

Please enable push notifications for this app. The app features:

  • Upcoming Lessons

Parents/ Guardian/ Students will be notified of upcoming lessons.

  • Attendance

The student’s attendance can be tracked here, as marked by the teacher.

  • Calendar

Displays the days of lessons by the month.

  • Invoice

Displays downloadable paid and unpaid invoices. Payment for unpaid invoices can be done here. Payment mode includes PayNow, VISA and Mastercard.

  • Receipt

Displays downloadable receipts of paid invoices.

  • Lesson Balance

Parents can check the credit status of trial classes. Each trial class is 1 credit.

  • Notices

Any announcement from the centre, either at the individual academic level or the entire centre will be broadcasted here.

  • Replacement Request

We would that parents/ students liaise with the centre/ respective teacher FIRST should a reschedule be needed as it is subject to the teacher’s availability. Students from group classes whose replacement resulted in being the ONLY student for the replaced class MAY be charged a day’s private fee/ credit instead of one extra class’s fee.

Contact Us

WhatsApp: +65-94870332

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